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Here are some sounds from the simpsons, have fun! Note: If your browser asks you if you want to save file or cancel, click save file. Pick the folder you want to save it in, then click save. When it is done downloading, find the sound on your hard drive and double-click it.


1. The ever popular and {tm} "DOH!"
2. Homers laugh
3. Homer Screaming
4. A long series of 32 dohs
5. "AYE, AYE Captain"
6. "C'mon I dare ya"
7. "Duff Gardens Hurrahhh"
8. "I'd sell my soul for a donut"
9. "I am evil homer, I am evil homer"
10. "Remember when I got caught stealing all those watches from Sears, well that nothing because you have a gambling problem.
11. "Hey if you don't like it go to Russia"
12. "He-He"
13. "Kill my boss do I dare live out the American dream"
14. "We're gonna go out and par-tee"
15. "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip"
16. "I'm smarter than the devil..."
17. "Wahoo!"
18. "In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics"
19 "This is a place of learning not a place of hearing about hings"
20. Homer describing a woman
21. Homer giving Lisa hints on how to deal with being different.
22. Homer threatining Burns life
23. "Doh! It just gets worse and worse"
24. "Kiss my Hairy Yellow But"
25. "Yes!!!!"
26. I am so smart S M R T"
27. Your living in a world of makebelieve...."
28. "It's funny cause I don't know him"
29. "Stupid manipulative dog"
30. "Donuts is their anything they can't do"
31. "Oh no my pudding is trapped forever"
32. "I know you can read my thoughts boy...meow meow..."
33. "All right brain I don't like you... so I can get back to killing you with beer.."
34. "Hmmm"
35. "Kiss my curvy butt good bye"
36. "I've disovered between breakfast and brunch"
37. "Oh My God!!"
38. "When it come to compliments women are ravenous...always wanting more MORE!"
39. "Shut Up Boy"
40. A typical baseball game when unintocated
41. Homer singing I am the Champion with an amusing uh oh at end
42. Homers advice to Lisa regarding her conscience
43. Homer doing Jack "...You want the truth, you can't handle the truth.."
Some Rap that I actually like:
44. Homer on the rapmaster
45. Homers Mr. Plow rap
Rap on Homer!!
46. Homer thinking he's invincible "I am invincible invincible! Ahhh!"
47. Homer and his Brain "Forget your traped if you were smarter...lousy brain"
48. Homer talking about Bart "Welll if it isn't the leader of the weiner patrol...
49. Homer "Marge do you have other men in this house Radioactive men"
50. Homer "Did they teach how to build crappy furniture..crack Stupid Poetic Justice"
51. Homer "Marge don't discourage the boy weaseling out of things is important to learn it's what seperates us from the animals...except the weasel"
52. Homer "If you really want something if you have to work for it now quiet their about to announce the lottery numers...doh.."
53. Homer "Alright I'm thinking of a number ... " Marge "is it 37" Homer "doh I mean No."
54. Homer "hello my name is Mr. Burns...." Man "ok Mr. Burns uh whats your first name?" Homer "I don't know"
55. Marge "...making so many people happy." Homer "oo look at me I'm making people happy I'm the magical man..."great clip
56. Homer misdeals to James Bond causing him to lose
57. Homer and his mom: "no I work at the Nuclear Power Plant, Oh Homer, ..bringing the plant down from the inside"
58. *Homer "I don't care this is not Happy Days and he is not the fonz"
59. Homer ,Burns and the Richard Simmons Robot
60. Homer "Thats it you people have stood in my way long enough I'm going to clown college" Bart "I don't think anyone expected him to sat that
Homer "it's 5 years later and I still think I'm a chicken. I'm a chicken Marge" Marge "i know I know."
62. Homer "what don't hey do oh they do some many things they never stop oh the thing they do there my stars"
63. Homer being Dr. Smith in Lost in Space"
64. Homer "Apple, Apple, Cmon candy bar, wait a minute I know you your the first apple I didn't want."
65. Homer and Mr Burns "Don't worry well have plenty of apples...." good clip
66. Homer and Lisa "No I don't know what shandfrauda is please tell me cause I'm DYING to know"
67. Homer and Lisa "...Boy those germans have a word for everything"
68. Homer and Lisa " Why is Bart geeting a present and I'm getting chewed out" "ah the mysteries of life"
69. Lisa and Homer "...competive thats why your here"
70. Homers Stone Cutter oath
71. Yes! Ahh It's that Rapture! Quick get Bart out of the house before God comes!
72. We're gonna lose our house and end up living under a bridge like common trolls"
73. Homer and his Brain. "bart you didn't finish your spaghetti and moe balls. "quite you fool they could be ours"
74. Bob and Homer "Ah your forgetting the first 2 noble truths of the Budah" Homer "I am not!" etc
75. "I have thought this through, I will send Bart the money to fly home then I will murder him"
76. You the Man Homer! Homer trying to think of what he's going to tell Marge about how he lost Maggie
77. Homer and Barney "Barney I've lost the Baby it's the worst thing I've ever done""Don't Worry Don't worry you know what I'm going to do. I'm gonna make you an omelet"
78. Homer and Barney "Hey I think I found Her!" "your gonna pull her arm off" "the sonner I get her out the sonner we can have omelets" pipe breaks water spraying
79. "Alcohol is a way of life, alcohol is my way of life and I aim to keep it"
80. "To alcohol the cause of and solution to all of lifes problems"
81. "We're going out Marge if we don't come back avenge our death's"
82. Bart and the Beer Baron "Um dad" "Call me Beer Baron" "All the beer from the landfill is gone we're out of buisness" "but I can't be out of beer I'm the beer baron"
83. Homer being found out by Marge "uh oh I forgot to check if the coast was clear, ah It's probably clear" "so you're the beer baron" "I can explain Marge" "homer, that's very clever" Lisa "mom prohibition may not be popular but it's the law" "Go to you're room Lisa!"
84. "Going bowling not back avenge death" "Why do you have so many bowling balls?" "uh I'm not going to lie to you Marge bye"
85. "What the hell are you kids ahhh my couch the seat's the cushion's the dream is over alright which one of you did this"
86. Marge and Homer "Homer we need to talk to you" "but then I won't be watching tv, you can see the bind I'm in"
87. "uh it's been St. Patricks day for hours and I;m still not drunk yet"
88. Homer and astronauts "Homer you broke the handle" "that's it if I go I'm taking you to hell with me" "wait a minute Mace haha now I bust that pretty face of yours ahh stupid bar" "wait a minute Homer if that bar holds we might make it back to earth" "oh, ya ahhhh!"
89. Homer at the Movies "Oh that submarine looks so fake, look you can see the string, Auh an octopus"
90. "Hey look what I got a genuine offical police badge" Bart "Hey that's my badge Homer" Homer: "That's officer Homer"
91. "We're Patriots like all those people in jail"
92. "Look at me I'm the Prime Minister of Ireland"
93. "At first I thought prohobition was a good thing people were drinking more , but without alcohol prohibition doesn't work"
94. "ahh hot so hot,... I've thought about what you said honey and I've decided to quit"
95. "see boy the real money is in bootlegging not in your childish vandalism's
96. Homer giving Bart some good fatherly advice "You know boy when I was your age I really wanted a catchers mit but my dad would'nt get for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and hit my head on the coffee table, the doctor said I might have brain damage" "dad what's the point of this story" "I like stories"
97. Bart "gee Homer you sure do suck tonight" Homer "Ya suck like a fox"
98. "They're singing again lousy neighbors wish I was deaf"
99. "and make life long connections to the world of organized crime, mmm organized crime" "Don Homer I have baked this special donut just for you" "mmm gratis"
100. Lady "Don Homer my soon he has a trouble with a" "eh,eh,eh ahh malto verde..That's a nice a donut"
101. "He he marries you're mother we'll be brother and sister and then our kids they'll be horrible freaks with pink skin no overbites and five finger on each hand..Ahh!"

I take no credit for the compilation of the sounds